The team of Development and Tutoring professors will give a presentation on educational innovation for the second year running at an international conference.
By Aitana Vázquez Rios | Morelia Campus - 01/20/2021

For the second year running, Arlette Audiffred Hinojosa, a tutor from the Morelia campus, will give a presentation at the International Conference on EducationICEDU 2021“, in Thailand, on the “Best-Self Stories” educational innovation project developed by PrepaTec tutors, which will take place April 7.

“Sometimes, classes tend to be repetitive: you get to class, listen to the explanation, watch the video, and do an activity. We try to find alternatives whereby students feel motivated to do new things and, above all, have fun,” says Arlette, a tutor at the Morelia campus.

The tutors who developed this project were Lizbeth Hernández, Tzihueriti Juriat Castillo, Fernando Pantoja, and Arlette Audiffred Hinojosa.


Las emociones y su desarrollo tuvieron un papel muy importante en el proyecto de "Best-Self Stories".

During 2020, the teachers in charge of Development and Tutoring created a project based on storytelling, which seeks to promote the RULER system and positive emotions through projects using video, stop motion, virtual reality, and creativity related to emotions.

One of the tasks carried out during the development of this initiative was “Aspects of my personality”, whereby students were tasked with discovering their strengths, weaknesses, and personal essence via a silhouette made through drawing and painting.

“A happy day” was also one of the tasks praised most highly by the student community, since it was based on preparing a stop motion video in which students would tell a story about a day when they felt very happy. 

“I really liked these activities, because they somehow helped me to get to know myself better, and to identify my emotions, my character, what I am, and what I like. I’ve also been able to recognize and, above all, further appreciate those happy moments in my life, says María José Serna, a fourth semester PrepaTec student.


"Dimensiones de mi persona" fue una de las actividades desarrolladas en este proyecto donde los estudiantes se dibujaban a ellos mismos y ponían cómo se perciben a ellos mismos.


After they saw how students took to these activities, the teachers sent a request to present the project to the worldwide educational community.

“Being able to take part in this conference means you can share what you’ve done to innovate education with the world’s educational community. It’s about sharing it with others so that more people carry out this type of project in other parts of the world,” says Arlette Audiffred.

These teachers are currently still looking for new initiatives and ideas to continue encouraging education in different ways, motivating students, and above all, helping them to prepare for the future.

We’re a worldwide community of educators and trainers, and I believe that we’re all looking for our classes to be of the best quality, so that students learn and have the necessary skills for their lives, Arlette says in an interview with CONECTA.


La realidad virtual fue un recurso utilizado durante el desarrollo de "Best-Self Stories" para realizar proyectos relacionados con el manejo de las emociones.


Likewise, in 2019, the same team of tutors developed a project called “WhatsApp for Education”, in which they used the WhatsApp messaging platform to get closer to students in everything that had to do with their academic and emotional development.

The project deemed worthy enough for presentation at the Sixth International Education Conference, held virtually in April 2020 due to the health emergency that began last year.

“We want our classes to be innovative, fun, and for students to learn in a different way to how they always have before. They’re our greatest source of motivation. Arlette emphasizes.





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