The new challenge for the 2025 FIRST Robotics Competition is REEFSCAPE, which focuses on the diverse ecosystems of life beneath the ocean’s surface

A new edition of the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is about to begin. As they do every year, PrepaTec teams are preparing for the robotics event, which brings together young people from all over Mexico.

REEFSCAPE, inspired by the ocean and its diverse ecosystems, is this year’s robotic challenge, presented during the 2025 FIRST global launch on January 4.

“FIRST is really something that positively impacts its surroundings and transforms those of us who interact with and experience it; we become different people.

“Although its main purpose is to aid students’ development, it also shows them the impact their work can have right now,” said Crisantos Martinez, National Dean of PrepaTec.

Students first compete in the regional stage, which will have three dates in Mexico, with the aim of qualifying for the world championship.


The new season of FIRST was launched worldwide on January 4. Photo: Marlene González
Estudiantes se mostraron entusiasmados durante el kick off de FIRST.


The three regional competitions for high school students will be held in:

  • Monterrey, Nuevo Leon: February 26 to March 1
  • Leon, Guanajuato: March 12 to 15
  • Laguna, Coahuila: March 19 to March 22


According to Erika Calles, Regional Director of PrepaTec Monterrey and General Director of the Monterrey region FRC, this event invites us to think about how to be agents of change.

“This year, as the challenge is focused on the oceans, we have the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the great possibilities of positively influencing the future of our planet.

“FIRST invites us to be innovative leaders and problem solvers with the ability to transform our passion for science and technology into concrete action for protecting our oceans,” said Calles.

Those teams who are regional winners will qualify for the world finals of the FIRST Robotics Competition to be held in Houston, Texas, from April 16 to 19.


“FIRST invites participants to be innovative leaders and problem solvers” - Erika Calles


Robots in the 'reef' at FIRST

During the new season of FIRST, called DIVE, teams will use their collaborative skills to explore life beneath the ocean’s surface. 

In REEFSCAPE, two alliances of three teams each compete to score points by collecting algae (balls), “planting” coral (tubes) on their reef (metal support with bars), and returning to their barge (metal structure located in the center of the court and where the challenge ends).

Alliances will get additional rewards for scoring specific points and collaborating with their opponents.



According to the challenge presentation video, robots must prepare to return to the surface when their time is up, which involves hanging from one of the cages on the barge.

The alliance with the most points wins the game.


PrepaTec teams prepare

At the launch of the new season of FIRST, PrepaTec teams received preparation kits, which included materials for programming and building the robot.

Rafael Abrego, PrepaTec’s National Director of Student Leadership and Education (LiFE), invited students to focus not only on the robotic challenge but also on the emotional side.

“It’s going to be a roller coaster of emotions. There’ll be lots of energy and joy. Although we may think it’s just about STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), there are also a lot of emotions,” Abrego said.



About FIRST Robotics Competition

Founded in 1989 by inventor Dean Kamen, For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) is a global organization that prepares young people for the future through inclusive, team-based robotics programs.

The FIRST Robotics Competition is an annual robotics tournament designed to encourage children and young people to get interested in science.





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